Your Money Matters

Everything you tell us will be treated in absolute confidence. See our Privacy Policy for more information.

Watford Community Housing

This enquiry form is only to be used by residents of Watford Community Housing who want help with money/debt advice.

We will contact you within 3 working days following receipt of your request. If your matter is urgent, please call our Adviceline or visit our drop-in service.

If you would like help with any other matters, or if you are not a Watford Community Housing resident and live or work in Watford, please use our general Enquiry Form here or phone our Adviceline on 0800 144 8848.

Your Money Matters Enquiry Form

WCHT enquiry form
Please tell us if you are happy for us to store your personal information on our systems. You can change your mind at any time and ask for your details to be removed. Simply write to us. *
Please note that without your consent to record this data, the advice we can provide may be limited
Note: Calls from us will be from a withheld number
Enter email
Confirm email
Can we contact you and send information to you by email?
Can we contact you by sending a letter to your address?
We may need to call you for more information. Please tell us when it's best to contact you.
Can we leave a voicemail? *
Have you contacted us before? *
Where the information you provide includes Special Category Data, we require your explicit consent to record this information. I agree to you holding information on (please tick): *